Friday, November 8, 2019

Week of November 11th

This week we focused on measuring angles (grade 6). The students found it challenging to measure reflex angles (greater than 180 degrees). Once we found that 180 is a straight line it became easier. The students can now draw, measure, and use angles.

The grade 5s continued their work on volume. They are strong when volume is in cubic centimeters and when each face of a rectangular prism has a clearly labelled grid. When the grid is not there, they found it to be challenging. If you are working with them at home, feel free to practice their multiplication.

In literacy we began our unit on Indigenous Studies. For this, each group is reading about a different topic. For example, we are learning about Treaties, Land Claims, and Stereotyping. The students are focusing on setting a purpose for reading and on the Main Idea. They also engaged in some writing practice. If you are working with your children at home, I encourage you to read the metro with them and to talk about the basics of who, what, where, when, why in each article.

In Social Studies we continued our work on Mapping. The students have generated a glossary for map features. They will be exploring grid systems (latitude and longitude) next week. This should help them when they create maps of their own and when they are scanning for visual information.

In Science the 6s continued talking about the properties of air. The 5s took a pause from electricity as we work on maturity and meaningful use of classroom materials. Next week, they will begin a unit on weather.

It has been a great week! I hope that all is well. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me an email!

All the best,
Mr. MacKenzie

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