Friday, October 18, 2019

Week of October 14th

Hello All,

This past week had students hands-on and minds-on in their learning.

Within mathematics, we reviewed multiplication in the context of calculating area, perimeter, and volume of 3d shapes. Furthermore, the students learned some key vocabulary connected to 3D shapes and space including edges, vertexes, and faces. They practiced their skills through creating rectangular prisms. Next week, the students will be measuring and multiplying length x width x height to arrive at a volume in centimetres cubed. We will also continue our work on understanding 3d shapes.

In literacy, the students continued their work on persuasive writing and debate. You will find that much of their writing is connected to opinion. This upcoming week will help students transition from writing opinion pieces to developing persuasion based on facts and research. We will continue our writing as we learn about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (grade 6) and Alberta's Regions (grade 5).

In science, the students will continue their exploration of electricity through designing a flashlight. The grade 6 students will dive deep into the charter and begin the process of understanding the origins of democracy.

Our work has all been centered around the concept of empathy. The students are beginning to understand how others are feeling - and are starting to really function like a team. From the teacher's perspective, I have seen significant improvement in how students are treating each other.

This week was outstanding, and I am excited to begin the adventures of next week!

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