Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hands On Learning

This week had students taking part in a variety of hands on learning. As talked about in previous blogs the value of this type of learning is like no other.
Hands on learning allows students to put theory into practice. It gives them an opportunity to be independent, make mistakes and problem solves. Hands on learning caters to all students and their learning needs. It promotes reading/writing, kinesthetic, auditory and visual learning.
Learning by doing helps students perform better
Benefits of Hands on Learning

This week in Math students took their knowledge of Area, Perimeter and Volume to design a town that equals 2000cm3. Students worked in groups to design the town, determine the area, perimeter and volume of each building without going over 2000cm3. Students used problem solving skills along with their knowledge addition and multiplication to complete this task.


In Social Studies we used Google Earth to explore the different Regions in our Country (Grade 4: Alberta, Grade 5: Canada). Students were able to visually recognize the regions and what makes them unique as they took notes on their learning. By putting these two together students were using their visual learning to help with their writing. We will continue to explore these Regions in the coming weeks with more exciting and engaging activities, make sure to stay tuned!!


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