Friday, January 24, 2020

Mr. MacKenzie - Curriculum Newsletter

This has been a very busy year to this point. The students have improved in their mathematical reasoning and in their ability to craft engaging writing for a specified purpose and audience. This newsletter is divided into sections for the various content areas. Each section presents a brief description of our journey so far, followed by our next steps.

As always, if there are questions, concerns, or comments please call or email.

Mr. MacKenzie
(403) 817-3576


Grade 5: The students built an understanding of measurement. They used rulers, measuring tapes, and measuring cups. Through hands-on learning opportunities, they converted areas of measurement. Furthermore, students began thinking ‘algebraically’. For this, they used input/output tables (patterns) to create rules and expressions. Knowledge of the operations were required for this, as were problem solving skills.

The students will be using the CUBES strategy (above) to solve word problems and to aid in their test-taking skills. In the upcoming term, students will examine the relationships between operations and will practice multiplying/dividing large numbers. Furthermore, students will explore decimals and fractions in a variety of contexts.

Grade 6: The students constructed 3D shapes of varied types and sizes. Through measurement, they calculated volume, area, and perimeter. Students were challenged balance equations and to conserve equality (6t = 10-4 is the same as 6t-1 = 10-4-1). They also used patterns to deduce expressions with two operations.

In the upcoming term, students will explore the operations in depth. They will also learn about prime numbers and factoring. As they do, the CUBES problem solving strategy will be used to help them understand the connected and relevant parts of a question. They will also be taught to review their work and to check their answers.

Grade 5: The grade 5s studied electricity through creating an electronic game and a flashlight. They also studied weather in depth through researching cloud formation and exploring the movement of air within our troposphere. The students then constructed weather measuring devices (an anemometer for wind speed, for example). Through measuring the local environment, students were able to draw conclusions between Earth’s systems and the world they experience daily.

Chemistry and wetlands await the students as we carry on with our scientific investigations. The students will explore different types of mixing, and will experience a number of chemical reactions. The biologically diverse wetlands are nature’s filtration system. Students will examine the animals and plants that thrive there, and will explore their necessary adaptations.

Grade 6: The grade 6 students have been studying air and aerodynamics, as well as flight. For this, they explored the properties of air and constructed a range of airplanes. We used experiments and demonstrations to explore Bernoulli’s principle. Through exploring air as a fluid, students were able to draw conclusions about why things float or fly through the air. This topic will be reviewed as the Provincial Achievement Tests approach.

The upcoming unit of study is Sky Science. Students will expose constellations and the interactions between the sun, the moon, and the Earth’s systems. They will also construct an interactive video game for a planet that they choose to research. After Sky Science, the students will study Evidence and Investigation.

Social Studies
Grade 5: The grade 5s have been studying the stories and people who contributed to the construction of Canada. Beginning with confederation, the students examined the impact of the Canadian Pacific Railway, The Fathers of Confederation, and the Famous Five - to name a few topics. They have created beautiful books detailing this learning journey. Through the lens of “Power”, the students have also had incredible, in-depth conversations.

We will continue exploring the building of Canada’s identity, and we will look closely at the physical geography of Canada. Namely, why do we have national parks? The students will take on the role of marketing specialists, as they create advertisements for different regions and parks within Canada.

Grade 6: The grade 6 students have examined politics in Canada and within Ancient Athens. During the federal election, students engaged in a number of debates and persuasive writing tasks. They examined each party’s platform and took a deep dive into varied current events. Afterwards, the students constructed exceptional books where they took a close look at Athenian Democracy - which is where democracy began.

Students will now examine the Iroquois Confederacy. This will provide interesting discussions as they compare and contrast the democratic models they are familiar with. Afterwards, the students will begin analyzing their Local Government, and we are hoping to have a city councilor swing by for a visit!

Literacy was integrated between the grade 5 and 6 students. Each group examined texts through the lenses of ‘power’ and ‘empathy’ and wrote newspaper articles connected to various topics. For example, they wrote a newspaper report on the Giver and  the Australian wildfires. Further, they managed information and ideas through developing venn diagrams, timelines, and cause and effect visualizations. This was beneficial as they synthesized their learning.

After looking at persuasive language and debate, the students began looking at functional (newspaper) writing. Through constructing effective lead sentences and practicing organization, the students became more intentional with their writing.

Students will now look carefully at narrative writing. To improve their writing skills, they will engage in the writer’s cycle. The writer’s cycle includes planning, drafting, revising, editing, and ends with publication. We will publish through printing our work and binding books of our own. We will also construct a digital portfolio, in which to share our writing.

It has been an exciting school year so far! There is a ton of learning to come. Please make sure to check Iris regularly, as it is a forum for communication between teachers, students, and parents.

Also, don’t forget that Feedback Friday is going home every Friday! And while we want the students to take ownership, they may require assistance and reminders to complete their assigned tasks.

All the best in 2020!
Mr. MacKenzie

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