Monday, December 9, 2019

Science Exploration

Our Science over the last couple weeks have given students the chance to further their knowledge in multiple areas.

Grade 4 

Grade 4's have been learning about lights and shadows. We have been experimenting with a variety of materials to determine what is transparent, translucent or opaque. We have been investigating the difference between reflection and refraction through the experimentation process. Ask your child what the difference is and an example of each. The Grade 4's have been enjoying the hands on activities throughout this learning process. These activities have allowed the Grade 4's to understand how these concepts work and feel the different materials that interact with light.
Of course, the snowy weather put a damper on some of our fun with shadows but we made due! Instead of going outside to experiment with our own shadows we made our own shadow people out of tinfoil and used the flashlights to act as sun as we learned how shadows are made and how light impacts the size, shape and location of a shadow! Make sure to check out our IRIS pages for our videos we made. Students have one more final project where we will be combining all of our knowledge to make an optic device. Stay tuned....

Grade 5

Grade 5's have been working on an all encompassing project to learn about the Wetlands. Each student was assigned a wetland that they are becoming experts in. We spent time researching our wetlands and looking and pictures or watching videos to help us become experts. We then wrote a research paper to show how we manage and evaluate information. We then teamed up with experts in other wetlands to make a beautiful mural showcasing the beauty of our wetlands. Students will next take their knowledge of animals in their wetland to make a lifecycle of one specific animal and a quick writeup about why they are essential to their wetland. We then get to make our animal on the 3D printer!!! Next week we will be teaching each other, the Grade 4's and hopefully other students at Ron Southern about our wetlands. Make sure to ask us what we have learned!

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