Monday, December 16, 2019

Exploring the Regions of Alberta and Canada

This term we have been learning about the different regions within our Province and our Country.
Grade 4's have spent time learning about the different regions within Alberta, the Natural Resources that are found within them, the climate and the landforms.
Grade 5's have been learning about the regions of Canada, the Natural Resources, the climate and the landforms in the regions.

Each grade level has spent time researching on different websites, taking notes and sharing the information that they have gathered. It has been a great way for us to learn how to properly search websites for accurate and appropriate information and how to manage that information.
We have watched videos based on stories of people that live within the different regions. These stories help us to understand how the resources within the region help to bring people their and sustain their city/town/province.
We learned about what happens when those resources are longer there by learning about Ghost Towns.

This unit has allowed us to become experts in the different regions and  has also been a fantastic introduction into what we will be learning about after the break. As we start to learn about our history, the people that made our province and our country we will understand the conditions to which they lived and the places that they travelled.

This coming week we are taking everything that we have learned and we are making topographical maps based on our Grade. We can't wait to put it all together to share with everyone in the school!

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